10 Upcoming Video Game Movie Adaptations You NEED To Be Excited For
The era of the terrible video game film is over.

Once upon a time, in terms of aspects of the video game industry that we could all rely on, games turned into films were largely easy to group together. Even the better ones, 1995's Mortal Kombat and 2001's Tomb Raider perhaps, were still little more than middling popcorn fluff. More often than not, a vide game adaptation would be a sure-fire miss.
Regarded as the first video game movie of all time, 1993's Super Mario Bros is largely considered a pretty low bar to clear. However, the recent first trailer for the 2023 animated film from the same franchise, its perhaps inspired a look at the state of video game movies and TV shows.
In recent years, we've had the likes of Sonic and Detective Pikachu that have really pushed that "it was better than you could've hoped for" mentality a little bit further. As video games nestle into their places in mainstream media, the quality seems to rise, and more and more studios are picking up properties to try their hand at an adaptation.
In this list, we'll be looking at upcoming games that are gracing the big or small screen and might continue to push the trend that video game conversions aren't necessarily guarnateed stinkers.
10. Fallout

The post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout and its alternate spin on human history is rife for all kinds of storytelling. That’s why each game does its own thing, rather than being a more sequelised series of stories. As such, adding additional media into the world has the potential of giving us new Fallout stories that otherwise may never have been told.
Amazon Studios’ Fallout series began filming this summer. We know startlingly little about the show, for example if it is adapting any particular game or location or if any characters from the games will feature. Walter Goggins, Ella Purnell and Kyle MacLachlan will star but their roles are yet to be revealed. However, rather than look at this with a glass hall-empty perspective let’s focus on the positives.
Early set photos of Super Duper Mart in the wastelands of 2077 as well as staple of the series, a vault, give us an extremely promising early look into the accurate representation of the games. It’s impossible not to get a little delighted at how that world is set to be portrayed.
The show is being handled by Westworld creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, with Joy describing the series as :
“a gonzo, crazy, funny, adventure, and mindf*** like none you’ve ever seen before”.