10 Upcoming Video Games That Could Score 10/10

6. Rise Of The Tomb Raider

Release Date: Q4 2015 After a series of disappointing titles, the Tomb Raider franchise finally rebooted itself back to its former glory with a gritty origin story that revealed there was life in the old series yet. That's to say, 2013's Tomb Raider - developed by Crystal Dynamics - was met with fantastic reviews all round, most of which praised the pacing and atmosphere of the game. Rise of the Tomb Raider, then, picks up years later in Siberia, with the titular heroine on a mission to prove she's not insane. Rise of the Tomb Raider purports to improve on the original chapter in every way, and there's no reason to believe that it won't succeed. Interestingly, the game will feature a crafting system, which will give players the opportunity to scavenge and combine materials from plants and animals - there's very much an emphasis on "survival" with this one. Fingers crossed that this turns out to be the first Tomb Raider game since the original and its sequel, Tomb Raider II, to find itself met with scores of 10/10.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.