10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

9. Crackdown 3

Crackdown 3

E3 2017 showed us some substantial single-player gameplay, all of which proved that everything fans love about Crackdown is still featured in the game. Climbing buildings, racing sports cars and throwing enemies like paper are all massive parts of Crackdown 3, which is a major relief considering the initial lack of gameplay.

Mainly, the reason we desperately want to see more of Crackdown 3 is to see whether the destructible city promoted a few years ago is still a big focus. It was sorely missing from E3 as a talking point, though the development team have promised over and over again that this feature hasn't been removed. In fact, Amazon listings for the game show something called the "Wrecking Zone" (described as a destructible battle arena), but does this mean the feature been largely downgraded?

Only time will tell, and I hope that the next showing of Crackdown 3 proves this listing wrong.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.