10 Upcoming Video Games You Won't Be Seeing On PS4 And Xbox One

4. HD Remasters of Sixth Generation JRPG's

FfxPlatform: PS3 Playstation 3 owners are in for treat in 2014, as some of the best Japanese role playing games to appear on the Playstation 2 and the Nintendo Gamecube are making reappearances with not only shiny new high definition paint jobs, but are also being bundled with sequels/associated games, all for budget prices. TALES OF SYMPHONIA CHRONICLES: With the continued polarization that Final Fantasy has caused in the gaming community, Namco's Tales series has quietly, and arguably, become the defining JRPG franchise of its time when it comes to consistently delivering games of quality, depth and fun. Unbeknownst to many, the Tales series has been delivering the goods for nearly 20 years, and one of the very best games in the series, Tales of Symphonia, is heading to the PS3 in February of 2014. Originally released on the Gamecube, the game is being bundled with its Nintendo Wii sequel, Tales of Symphonia - Dawn of the New World, which is also being remastered in HD. KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.5 ReMIX: Hot off the heels of Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, the next installment brings fans an HD remaster of the PS2's Kingdom Hearts 2, the excellent sequel that nearly reached the heights of its groundbreaking predecessor. The real treat in this package, however, is the inclusion of the HD remaster of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. Originally released on Sony's Playstation Portable (PSP), the game has not only established itself as the best Kingdom Hearts game on portable devices, but has become the favorite Kingdom Hearts game overall for many gamers. Being able to play it on a big screen in HD will be quite the treat. FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD: Many consider Final Fantasy X, originally released on the PS2, to be the last great single player Final Fantasy game. It was far from perfect, without a doubt, and the often-horrid voice acting has become stuff of legend on the internet. Yet Final Fantasy X remains one of the most heartfelt games in the series, with an unforgettable story taking place in the world of Spira, one of the greatest fantasy worlds to ever appear in the medium. Final Fantasy X, with its timeless turn-based gameplay, should absolutely shine in HD. Also included here is Final Fantasy X-2, the direct sequel to Final Fantasy X. X-2 made some radical changes to the traditional Final Fantasy game design that turned many off, but hopefully this HD reissue will allow many gamers to discover that there was actually a very solid game here, with one of the best combat systems the series has ever seen.
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Lifelong resident of Chicagoland and lifelong gamer. Video games are my passion. Also love reading, watching films, playing /listening to music, and traveling whenever I can.