10 Upcoming Xbox One Exclusive Games You Must Consider

2. Forza Horizon 3

Release Date: TBA 2016 (probably) The Buzz: In fairness, this game hasn't actually been officially announced or unveiled yet, but given the critical and commercial success of the previous Forza Horizon titles, it seems all-but-inevitable that another will be releasing next year, considering how Microsoft are clearly trying to make Forza an annualised franchise. Developer Playground Games have already said they're working on a new project, and the only games they've made to date are the first two Forza Horizon games, why wouldn't it be Forza Horizon 3? The Horizon series surprised everyone upon release, because what seemed like an unnecessary open-road spin-off turned out to be just as if not more satisfying than the core games in the series. With their strong track record to date, there's little reason to doubt that number three won't once again be the charm. And of course, those trademark photo-realistic visuals are going to make it the best-looking racing game on the market for sure (sorry, Gran Turismo 7...whenever you come out).
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.