10 Updates To Video Games That Completely Broke Everything

4. 2.30/2.40 Update Broke A.I. & Multiplayer - Wipeout HD

Far Cry

Though Wipeout HD received rave reviews upon release, it was patched into a broken state several years after its initial release when an update was created to allow cross-play with the PS Vita game Wipeout 2048.

The 2.30 update (or 2.40 for North America) snapped many of the game's A.I. routines in half, ensuring that CPU racers simply wouldn't fire weapons at you or use turbo boost. This certainly made the tougher tracks easier, at least, but wasn't really what players signed up for.

Elsewhere there were also reports of online leaderboards glitching out and players having their rank randomly reset. Though Sony did eventually release a patch to remedy most of these issues, the online community sadly never recovered and quickly fizzled out.

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Far Cry
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.