10 Updates To Video Games That Completely Broke Everything

2. The 1GB "Fix" Removed The Best Part Of The Game - Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric

Far Cry

Now, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric is in no way a good game, and some fans might even argue that it was released as fundamentally broken.

However, players soon enough realised that the terrible action-adventure game had a ludicrously entertaining hidden "feature": the infamous Knuckles infinite jump glitch.

Basically, while playing as Knuckles, players could achieve an infinite jump by jumping, pressing the Wii U controller's Y button, pausing, un-pausing, and then pressing Y again.

Hilariously, this allowed players to reach off-limits areas and, best of all, skip huge parts of this utterly joyless slog of a game.

Two months later, however, fans' fun was ruined when Sega finally patched the glitch out with a 1GB update, ensuring that anyone who hadn't yet finished Sonic Boom had to do so the hard way. Oof.

While this patch technically fixed the game's biggest "flaw," it also removed pretty much the single enjoyable thing about it. Boo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.