10 Ups & 4 Downs For AEW: Fight Forever - REVIEW
7. Controls Are Simple But Effective
One of the great strengths of AEW: Fight Forever is that it keeps things simple. Some may find things a little too simple, but others will revel in this - particularly where it pertains to the control system at play in the game.
Fight Forever employs one of those control systems that are extremely easy to pick up, but slightly more difficult to master. There's the opportunity to pull off button-bashing success, yet this is also a game which rewards those who take a more finessed, calculated approach to dishing out a beating on their opponent.
Whether it's attacks, blocks, reversals, movement, exiting/entering the ring, delivering a taunt, or pulling off a Signature or Special, Fight Forever doesn't overcomplicate things. Even when it comes to kicking out of pinfalls or getting out of submissions, it's very much 'may the best person win' as it's a frantic button-mashing mechanic to escape such a situation.
Where finishers are concerned, it's nice to see that most Specials will usually be enough to actually, y'know, finish a match. There may be the odd occasion where someone kicks out after being hit with a Special, but such moments are refreshingly rare - making it all the more important to be the first person to gather enough momentum to unleash your big move on your opponent.
By choosing this particular control system, AEW: Fight Forever makes itself extremely accessible to anyone and everyone. Seasoned gamers or absolute novices, all will be able to get involved in the action with this release.