10 Utterly Creepy Moments From Japanese Gaming

5. Lavender Town - Pokemon Red/Blue

Pokemon Red And Blue The colorful, optimistic game from Pokemon Gen 1 sure has epic moments, but in the quest for becoming "you know what", some things can end up pretty strange and disturbing. Lavender Towns will forever be remembered as the place where Pokemon go to their eternal rest. The music, the tower, the talking of the NPCs, everything here makes my spine chill, most prominently the implicit fact that you "probably" killed a Pokemon from your rival. The ascending to the tower, battling the nuns, and the final confrontation with the spirit of a dead Pokemon; this town is wrong, very wrong. Of course, I don't believe the stories about child suicides happening in Japan because of the music played in this town. But, just to be sure, try to lower the volume a little when you're playing in the vicinity of the little 'uns.

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