10 Utterly Terrifying Underwater Video Game Creatures

2. Del Lago - Resident Evil 4

Subnautica leviathan

What can be said about Resident Evil 4 and Leon's luscious locks that hasn't already been said?

Leon is on the search for the kidnapped daughter of the President of the United States in the remote mountains of Spain. Cue the crazed villagers being controlled by a crazy madman and you've got yourself the beginnings of an action-packed survival horror.

But when Leon needs to cross a lake to reach his next goal, players were greeted with a giant beast living beneath the seemingly calm depths. Del Lago was an early experiment with the Plaga parasite that transformed a simple salamander into a leviathan with the craving for human flesh.

After the anchor of Leon's boat catches on Del Lago, players must throw harpoons at the beast as it drags the tiny boat across the lake. The murky water, the lack of an arsenal (even if players splurged and bought the rocket launcher), and the gaping maw of the slimy creature charging Leon burned nightmarish images of giant salamanders into the minds of many players.

Even defeating it isn't the end. As Del Lago's corpse sinks to the bottom of the lake, a rope catches Leon's leg and any players who put their controllers down after an exhausting fight were quick to learn not even cutscenes are safe.

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