10 Video Game "Remakes" That Changed EVERYTHING

1. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes

resident evil 3

Despite being largely associated with the PlayStation brand, Metal Gear Solid did have a brief dalliance with Nintendo when it brought enhanced editions of the first two games to the GameCube. The Twin Snakes, a 2004 remake of the original MGS, was redesigned in a way to bring it closer to the sequel.

This meant a new visual style as well as retrofitting the game with features like first person aiming and being able to drag and hide bodies. Additionally, there’s new music and entirely rerecorded voiceovers. However, most divisive are the cutscene alterations.

Snake is almost constantly backflipping (often in slow motion) in Twin Snake’s FMVS. At one stage he literally looks at the player and practically winks. Let’s not forget the moment where he jumps off a missile in a move that wouldn’t be outside of the current state of the Fast and Furious franchise.

Special guest director Ryuhei Kitamura seemed intent on aping the success of The Matrix trilogy, and these massive stylistic changes split opinion firmly down the middle.

Whilst some fans find them fun and goofy in a positive way, others thought it hurt the tone of a game that whilst totally bonkers in its own right managed to also ground itself when necessary. It’s all a matter of taste but at the very least The Twin Snakes presents an interesting retelling of a gaming classic.

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The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.