10 Video Game Achievements That REALLY Needed More Thought

4. And They'll Tell Two Friends - Borderlands

battlefield bad company 2

The Achievement

Play in a co-op game with either an employee of Gearbox or someone who has this achievement.

Why It Needed More Thought

If you played Borderlands upon launch, this achievement wasn't too bad. Even if you never teamed up with a Gearbox employee, it wasn't that hard to stumble across someone who had, allowing you to pop the 'cheev by proxy.

But the further away from launch we got, the harder it became to unlock due to both the lesser presence of Gearbox employees online and those who got the achievement early.

Years later, you'd have to keep cycling through random co-op match-ups in the faint hope that one of them had the achievement and could pass it on to you.

Gearbox eventually realised how poorly thought-out it was, though, as 2019's Enhanced Edition revised the achievement to be far simpler - you just needed to play co-op with at least two other players for it to pop right away.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.