10 Video Game Betrayals That Came Out Of Nowhere

8. Scott Shelby - Heavy Rain

Life Is Strange
Quantic Dream

Heavy Rain is a game that has so many different outcomes and while some changes are minimal, others will alter the course of the game entirely.

However, one thing that is consistent through all branching paths is the antagonist. Scott Shelby is a private detective working on a case surrounding the elusive Origami Killer. Leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, all holding an origami figure, the culprit is smart, ruthless and incredibly sinister.

When Shelby, one of the four playable characters and perhaps the most beloved, is unmasked as the very killer he's seen trying to capture, it's a betrayal not only of those he claims to be helping but the player, also.

Though perhaps not for the right reasons, Shelby's unveiling as the Origami Killer was certainly a surprise, but largely because it felt so out of the blue. His skills as a private detective do make him a suspect, but the backstory given to him that serves as his justification feels desperately thrown together to ensure the betrayal makes sense.

All this time and the killer was right under our noses.

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Fan of ducks, ice tea and escapism. Spends much of his time persistently saying 'I have so much studying to do' before watching Zoey 101 for the millionth time. Thinks Uncharted 3 is the best one.