10 Video Game Blunders We'll NEVER Forget

8. A Staggering Lapse In Judgement

Too human

I would like to throw a bone to Sony on this one. I'm sure, or at least I'm fairly certain, that they didn't intend to be massively, unironically racist with this billboard for the white PSP.

However, this was Sony off the back of what people already perceived as "racially stereotypical" adverts for the PSP at launch. You remember, with the soot and the squirrels? Yeah, they were bad.

So, what in any god's name possessed them to go through with the next bit of marketing for the white variant? Who, in their right mind in that department thought, "Let's have a white woman stood above a black woman in a position of dominance" and didn't see any negative connotations to it?

Whatever Dutch company thought this up in 2006 was, I would imagine, never allowed to do something like this again. The backlash against Sony was insane, but I won't say it killed the PSP.

The PSP wasn't selling anyway, that's just fact. I just can't see this helped rekindle any positivity for the little console that never made it big.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.