10 Video Game Body Horror Fates Worse Than Death
The most disgusting body horror fates that can befall characters - Bloodborne, Fallout & more!

If you die in a game it sucks. It can be annoying and can set you back a bit depending on your last save, but really it’s not too much of a problem, given you'll be able to reload to the last checkpoint, roll up your sleeves, and get back to the task at hand.
If by some horrible magic, however, one day you were to be sucked in to whatever game you were playing, then there’s a good chance that an end screen wouldn’t be the worst outcome awaiting you.
Unsurprisingly in horror games there are terrible destinies a plenty, but even in games you consider to be comparatively tame, there are some hidden gems of utter turmoil. Now there are a lot of characters whose lives are just tragic or sad, maybe with some sob story in their past that makes their future unbearable - this isn’t what we’re looking for here.
When it comes to this list, we’re looking for the most unbelievably terrifying, disgustingly gory and utterly off putting fates. We’re talking mutations and parasites, zombification and scientific experimentation.
Not only do these fates promise an absolutely miserable emotional outlook but furthermore a truly hopeless physical one, because really how great can life be when you’re something like a gigantic human fly?
10. Becoming A Centaur - Fallout 3

The Centaurs are mutated creatures who are created by shoving a whole bunch of different animals along with some humans into vats of Forced Evolutionary Virus, and letting them all stew for a while. What emerges is a beast so twisted that mother nature would cry just looking at it.
There are several variants of the Centaur, but their shared features boil down to this: they are fleshy looking, four-legged, tumorous, chunky monsters. When not dealt with properly, these guys can be lethal, explaining why they’re often used for protection.
So as if it wasn’t enough that, as a human chucked into a vat of FEV, you had to go through the pain of being mutated by a powerful virus and come out as a hideous monster.
With various animal parts now constituting your horrible body, you could end up living the rest of your live in servitude as someone’s guard dog or personal transport. Life just ain’t fair.