10 Video Game Bombs That Made ONE Fatal Mistake

1. The AWFUL Control Scheme - Star Fox Zero

Immortals of Aveum

Even accepting the major commercial disadvantage that Star Fox Zero had by releasing on the doomed Wii U, it should've been a solid seller relatively speaking, especially as it was the beloved series' first mainline entry in an entire decade.

But immediately upon launch, the discourse was dominated by one thing and one thing only - those godawful controls.

The game's obtuse, arcane control scheme - complete with mandatory motion controls - felt unnatural from the jump and never seemed to grow on the player-base at large.

Critics and players alike were highly critical of them, which many felt ruined the entire experience and surely did its sales performance no favours at all.

Ultimately the game became the worst-selling Star Fox game in Japan and ended up shifting less than 500,000 copies globally. Considering that even Splatoon - an entirely new Nintendo IP - managed to sell almost 5 million units on the Wii U, that's an utterly shambolic showing.

And while Star Fox Zero wasn't exactly a great game even if you fix the controls, this was absolutely the reason that so many bounced off it in record time - if they even tried it at all.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.