10 Video Game Boss Gauntlets That Made You Rage Quit

6. Metroid Prime - Metroid Prime (2002)

Doviculus Brutal Legend
Retro Studios

Now, here's where the luxury of the 'boss checkpoint' is stripped away from you.

Metroid Prime uses save stations as its only means of recording your progress, and when you die, you'll respawn at the last one you saved at. As you'd expect, then, this sometimes involves a long and annoying trek back to wherever you were killed, so make sure to pay a visit to every station you come across!

The game's final boss, Metroid Prime, is absolutely a worthy opponent, requiring you to use all of your beam weapons and visors you've collected over the course of the game. Even just figuring out its mechanics will probably involve at least one death on your part.

And of course, that means you'll have to make your way back up those tricky platforms to the boss room. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

Well, it would be if not for the Metroids nipping at you every step out of the way. Getting grabbed by them will most likely knock you right back down to the bottom, as well as draining your health.

And don't get me started on those infuriating Fission Metroids!

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Brutal Legend
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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.