10 Video Game Bosses Everyone Fought Wrong
8. Gunther Hermann - Deus Ex

Deus Ex was revolutionary in its time. allowing multiple ways to access areas, solve puzzles, and discover vital information.
Not only that, the freedom of choice extended to enemy encounters. Although gamers have been conditioned to believe they can complete any mission by shooting everything in sight, Ion Storm's role-player offered plenty of smarter methods to get things done.
When our hero, JC Denton, confronts an augmented agent called Gunther Hermann, it looks like the pair are about to throw down. Fortunately, Denton doesn't have to resort to violence if he plays his cards right.
By doing some snooping beforehand, Denton will discover Gunther has been programmed with a kill-phrase. Uttering the words, "Laputan machine" to Gunther causes him to shut down instantly, allowing Denton to bypass the whole scrap entirely.
The name is a reference to Laputa, a flying island in Gulliver's Travels where the inhabitants built machines that are incredible but impractical. Considering how effortlessly Denton disposes of Gunther, this kill-phrase seems more than fair.
Denton can square off the old fashioned way, but it's more satisfying to beat the deranged cyborg by outsmarting him.