10 Video Game Bosses Only Hardcore Players Beat

2. Kerafyrm The Sleeper - EverQuest

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Sony Online Entertainment

The awakening of Kerafyrm is a fascinating piece of gaming history and a boss that no one can beat again. This is because, firstly, it was only ever intended to spawn once, and secondly, it was mechanically and narratively designed to be unbeatable.

Appearing in MMORPG EverQuest, each server got one chance to battle it. However, thanks to its ludicrous HP and insurmountable power, it was impossible to take the beast down.

It was all by design, as the game's story dictated that Kerafyrm rampaged through the land of Norroth. Each server fell, one by one, and it would have gone on forever, if not for the final server, Rallos Zek.

This hardcore group of players battled against Kerafym with a tedious strategy of reviving players and slowly chipping away at its health. The boss had never lost even one percent of its HP before, but their strategy got it down to 26%. This was such a shock to developers Sony Online Entertainment, to the point they were forced to despawn Kerafyrm to save the integrity of their so-called un-killable boss.

Such a response didn't go down well, as SOE apologised and returned the dragon back to its former state. The battle commenced again, and after three supremely intense hours, Rallos Zek were successful.

Was it worth it? Who knows! But nothing says hardcore like forcing the developers to change their own game because of your skills.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!