10 Video Game Bosses Who Can't Do Anything Right

7. Mysterio - Spider-Man 2

Prof Nakayama
Marvel Comics

Quentin Beck a.k.a Mysterio is one of the best parts of the legendarily good Spider-Man 2 game on PS2. First appearing in a burning movie theatre in his Mysterio persona, Spider-Man is forced to rescue several members of the public before Mysterio vanishes, gloating.

Quentin Beck then reaches out to Spider-Man publicly, gloating that he is nothing more than a trickster and that he can expose him. Answering the challenge, Spider-Man proceeds to humiliate Beck in a large arena challenge. Beck attempts to humiliate Spider-Man a few more times, including an attempted takeover of the Statue of Liberty but all of his schemes are easily stopped by the webhead.

This all leads up to our final battle with the villain; cornered in a shop, Mysterio promises he will be humiliated no more and that he will take out Spider-Man. As he gloats, his life bar fills up over and over again. The player's hands tighten on the controller, they lean forward, sweat beading on their brow in anticipation. This is going to be a big one. Then, you punch Mysterio once and all those life bars just drain away, the fishbowl comes flying off and a defeated Quentin Beck begs Spidey not to hit him again. Pathetic.

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I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.