10 Video Game Bosses Who Killed Other Bosses

7. Maester Seymour - Final Fantasy X (2001)

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order

Even when they're trying to convince you otherwise, sometimes you can tell a character's going to be a villain from the moment you first see them. Case in point, Seymour Guado, a maester of the Yevon religion who seems just a little too powerful and a little too eccentric to not get your suspicions up straight away.

And, wouldn't you know it, he's evil! You fight him three times over the course of the game, no less, each time that much harder and more elaborate as you get closer to your goal. Before all this, however, he does try to make you think he's a good guy, believe it or not.

Shortly after meeting him, your party is set upon by a huge centipede-like beast known as Sinspawn Gui. You're on your own for the first round, but as the creature begins to weaken, Seymour steps in to lend a hand with his magic.

Helping you is purely out of his own self-interest, obviously, and it is technically possible for one of your own team members to deal the final blow to the Sinspawn, but given how massively overpowered Seymour is compared to the rest of you, it's more than likely the beast will die by his hand.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.