10 Video Game Bosses You Can Beat By Doing NOTHING

4. Mary - Silent Hill 2

Fable 2

It's relatively well known at this point that Silent Hill's final boss Incubus can be instantly defeated by simply depleting all of your ammo before the fight starts - a fail-safe built into the game to ensure that ammo-poor players could still see the end.

And in fact, there's a similar trick for the second game in the series, where final boss Mary can be felled with only a cursory amount of effort. 

If you're out of ammo or just aren't craving an actual competitive boss encounter, simply run around the map for a few minutes, at which point she'll grow fed up of your pacifism and just straight-up self-defeat on the spot, quite possibly out of boredom.

You'll need to deliver one killing blow to a near-death Mary to finish her off afterwards, but the core boss fight itself can indeed be completed by just jogging around in circles for a couple minutes.

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Fable 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.