10 Video Game Bosses You Can Beat By Doing NOTHING

2. Richard Dalton - Army Of Two

Fable 2

Army of Two climaxes with heroes Elliot Salem and Tyson Rios preparing to do battle with big bad criminal mastermind Richard Dalton, who flees to the roof of the Security and Strategy Corporation (SSC) headquarters and leaps onto a waiting gunship.

At this moment players surely expect that they're about to do battle with the gun-totting chopper, only for the "final boss" to effectively be a cutscene. 

Rather than cede control back to the player as expected, the cutscene continues, with Salem laying down suppressing fire to distract Dalton while Rios fires a Stinger missile at the chopper, blowing it to smithereens and killing Dalton.

Fans were miffed enough about this flabbergasting anti-climax of an ending that, three months after release, a free DLC update included a more conventional final boss fight against Dalton where you actually got to, y'know, kill him yourself.

While we can't say with absolute certainty that EA Montreal cooked up this DLC boss fight as a direct reaction to the initial backlash, it does seem incredibly likely.

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Fable 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.