10 Video Game Bosses You Felt Terrible For Ignoring

8. Solaire - Dark Souls

Baldur's Gate 3 Orin the Red
Bandai Namco Entertainment

Defeating a boss in Dark Souls is a moment of triumphant celebration where players feel a sense of accomplishment for finally beating the enemy that had killed them dozens of times.

While there are some bosses who players will feel sorry for killing, with the deaths of Crossbreed Priscilla and the devoutly loyal Sif bringing a tear to the eye of any seasoned Souls fan, guilt isn't a usual feeling you get when ignoring a fight.

There’s one exception to this rule, and that is Solaire of Astora.

One of the few friendly faces in Lordran, Solaire is available to help players overcome some of this game’s toughest bosses. However, if players enter Lost Izalith without completing a specific set of actions, the fan-favourite character will be driven insane after being corrupted by a sunlight maggot.

If this happens, he’ll become hostile to players the next time he’s encountered. Although it is possible to ignore this fight and avoid the painful act of having to kill him, leaving him to suffer in madness is far too terrible a fate for this beloved character to endure.

Solaire didn't deserve any of this.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.