10 Video Game Bosses You Felt Terrible For Ignoring

2. Orin The Red - Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Orin the Red

Alongside the huge amount of freedom that Baldur’s Gate 3 gives players to carve out their adventure as they see fit, another reason why this game has been regarded as one of the best RPGs ever made is thanks to its assortment of well-crafted questlines and collection of fully-realised characters that players will spend dozens of hours getting to know throughout the course of the game.

Players will become so attached to their companions that they’ll be devastated when shapeshifting villain Orin The Red sneaks into their camp during Act 3 and kidnaps one of them while the hero is out on their adventure. She'll even disguise as the stolen friend to make her actions even crueller.

This begins an involved side quest in which players must find where Orin has taken their friend. After making their way through the depths of the Undercity, heroes will soon find Orin’s victim in the Temple Of Bhaal where they're about to be sacrificed to the god of murder. 

Although there's no time limit to face Orin in a boss fight, players will nevertheless feel guilty about abandoning their loyal friend while they carry on with other business. 

Players will feel especially guilty about their inaction if it's innocent orphan Yenna who's taken.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.