10 Video Game Bosses You Felt Terrible For Ignoring

The video game bosses that had dire consequences for ignoring. (Sorry, Control's fridge guy...)

Baldur's Gate 3 Orin the Red

The most difficult enemies in any game, bosses are designed to challenge a player’s skill and determine if they’ve mastered the game enough to progress further. With the most fiendish of bosses sometimes causing players to be stuck at them for multiple hours before they’re eventually able to empty their health bars, vanquishing these foes is supposed to feel like a massive achievement.

But this isn’t always the case.

As well as making players feel great, there are some emotionally resonating boss battles that can make victors feel bad for having to defeat the enemy in question, with the likes of Shadow Of The Colossus and Undertale being prime examples for how to make players feel bad for beating a boss. Even rarer, though, are times when a video game makes players feel bad for ignoring a boss entirely.

Whether it’s by leaving an unlucky NPC in a precarious position until players are better prepared to tackle a particularly difficult fight or the developers punishing them for not engaging with a boss when they’re supposed to, these games will ensure that players feel guilty for not getting back into that arena until they’ve beaten that boss.

10. Riddler - Batman: Arkham Knight

Baldur's Gate 3 Orin the Red

One of the best aspects of the Batman: Arkham series is its excellent selection of villains who the Caped Crusader goes up against. In addition to the likes of Joker, Killer Croc, and Deathstroke, one nemesis that players will be tasked with thwarting throughout the series is the Riddler, with his schemes in Arkham Knight being his most devious.

Early in the game, this villain will interrupt Batman’s search for Oracle to tell him that he’s captured Catwoman and is holding her at the orphanage. At this point, players will need to head there to free her. However, the hero is then informed that they’ll need to complete more of The Riddler’s fiendish challenges to acquire the keys that will unlock the explosive collar around Catwoman’s neck.

Although players will want to save this fan-favourite character, it doesn’t take long while pursuing this side quest to realise that Catwoman might not be worth the hassle.

With a large chunk of this quest requiring players to engage in Batmobile-based puzzles and races - by far the worst part of the entire series - players will want to spend their time in this game engaging with anything else in it, even if that means Catwoman stays tied up for much of the playtime.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.