10 Video Game Bosses You'll Never Admit Losing To

1. Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Great Mighty Poo

punch out glass joe

The recently released Sekiro has proven that a boss can fling its own s**t and still be intimidating. The Guardian Ape, infamous for its difficulty and two phases, was not the first boss to feature excrement, though. The Great Mighty Poo is just that, a large pile of it, in fact. As you can imagine, no one is admitting they died to stool, so you better pack some loo roll.

No, really, after The Great Mighty Poo has finished serenading Conker, "Now, how about some scat, you little ****?", the agile squirrel will need to dodge the incoming poop and get to specific platforms.

Once there, Conker throws rolls of toilet paper into Mighty Poo's mouth, freshening him up just a little bit.

The boss fight is ridiculous, awkward and weird all in one. Not only are you fighting fecal matter, it's also singing to you and threatening to stick you up his - well, you can guess where.

Quick feet, well-timed shots and not getting lost in the music is necessary to not succumb to this royally big turd.

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A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.