10 Video Game Bosses You'll Never Admit Losing To
9. Batman: Arkham Asylum - Killer Croc

Okay, hear me out here. Killer Croc in the Arkham Asylum games does not look like an easy match-up, especially considering he's teased throughout the game. From the very beginning, as he goes down that elevator, taunting Batman, claiming he'll eat his bones, the player is likely terrified about having to eventually face him. I know I was.
Except, when you actually get down to it, deep and dirty in the sewers, walking along the makeshift boardwalk, you realise there's nothing to it. The scariest part about the boss fight with Killer Croc is the atmosphere, the tension that ensues as you wait for him to emerge.
When he does actually show up, though, you just throw a Batarang at him.
I'm not exaggerating, that's all you have to do.
For all his talk, his disgusting homestead beneath the asylum and the build-up, he's really just a big scaly puppy afraid of boomerangs.
Build-up is the key phrase here. Croc is built up to be a monstrous threat, even down to the very last moments as he chases you through your escape. Yet, there's no combat, there's no health bar, the fight is nothing more than a glorified cut-scene.
Mistime a batarang or your final explosive, though, and he will eat your bones.