10 Video Game Bosses You'll Never Admit Losing To

4. Crash Bandicoot – Papu Papu

punch out glass joe
Naughty Dog

Papu Papu may look like a big softie, with a predictable and limited move-set but this boss takes the idea of Pyramid Head's fight and amplifies it. Now you're in a small arena with a big enemy who is far from slow. He's got two attacks, a slam of his stick-sword thing and a 360 spin move that Crash has to try and dodge.

He does, in fact, broadcast these moves quite obviously and if you can dodge the first slam and get to his chair, you'll be safe. That's an if, though, because in the moment, dodging his slams and jumping his spins in such a small room can be enough to focus on.

If you know what to do and played the original Crash, I'm sure you'll be fine but not everyone has that luxury. For those who started with the N. Sane Trilogy he's actually got two extra hit-points, making him that much tougher to nail.

As with most bosses, movement is key. Mixing that in with Crash Bandicoot's finicky, twitchy nature, though, you start to understand the problem.


A writer of any and all kinds. Lover of video games, films, writing and achievement hunting, as well as streaming.