10 Video Game Characters Better Than EVERYONE Expected

6. Ichiban Kasuga - Yakuza: Like a Dragon

yakuza ichiban

Where beloved video game franchises are concerned, fans generally have a strong fear of change, and that's no truer than when the decision is made to sunset the original protagonist and replace them with a new hero.

But that's precisely what RGG Studio did in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, moving iconic ass-kicker Kazuma Kiryu into a supporting role while lead duties were taken over by Ichiban Kasuga, who attempts to start a new life after spending 18 years in prison.

Kiryu has been the beating heart of the Yakuza franchise since its inception, enough that the thought of replacing him seemed totally absurd to many, no matter the now numerous attempts RGG has made to retire him.

Even the most optimistic of fans didn't expect Ichiban to live up to Kiryu's legacy, but by the end of his first outing, it was damn near impossible not to be charmed by Ichiban's relentless optimism, impeccable dress sense, and awesome hair.

Basically a golden retriever in human form, Ichiban's infectiously peppy personality proved to be a perfect contrast to Kiryu's stoicism, while fitting effortlessly into Yakuza's outrageously wacky tonal fabric.

Recent sequel Infinite Wealth further confirmed Ichiban's popularity among the fandom, enough that the next mainline entry into the series will hopefully keep Kiryu out of the picture altogether - he's certainly earned it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.