10 Video Game Characters Too Angry To Die

4. Volgin - Metal Gear Solid

god of war kratos

In life, Colonel Volgin isn't exactly a nice fella. In fact, he's downright unpleasant.

A sadomasochist with a penchant for electrocuting people/pummelling them to death/general other forms of inventive torture, Volgin is one of the nastiest villains to appear in the MGS universe. He's cocky, arrogant and extremely powerful and boy, does he know it. He's usually quite calm and collected, but when the rage takes him...watch out.

This rage is so massive, Volgin completely refuses to die. Despite his apparent death by excessive lightning bolt strikes in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Volgin still somehow manages to return in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

He's a bit different though. Volgin's rage has completely taken him over and he's now a walking embodiment of hell known as the Man on Fire. His terrifying new presence stalks Snake throughout most of the game, flanked by a mysterious child who is none other than a young Psycho Mantis.

His burning desire for anger-fuelled revenge against Snake kept him alive, but excessive experimentation on his body turned him into this walking nightmare.

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God of War
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.