10 Video Game Characters Too Angry To Die

2. Ellie - The Last Of Us

god of war kratos
Naughty Dog

When she was first introduced in The Last of Us, Ellie was a typical teenager. Exploring the world, trying to find herself and trying to survive the best she can in a horrible world that had been horrible back to her.

Several years later, by the time The Last of Us: Part 2 rolled around, Ellie evolved from this curious, slightly angry teenager into a hurricane of ferocity hellbent on revenge.

Not really hard to see why. Given the events at the start of The Last of Us: Part 2, Ellie really has a justification for her all-consuming desire for angry revenge.


When Joel is brutally murdered by Abby near the beginning of the game in shocking, awful fashion, you, as the player, fully understand Ellie’s anger. How dare this newcomer murder our beloved Joel!

From that point on, you’re along with the ride with Ellie as she constantly pursues Abby to return the favour. Ellie’s too driven and far too angry at this point to give up the ghost and follow Joel into death.

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God of War
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.