10 Video Game Characters We Can't Believe Got Cut

9. MAXIMUM CARNOM - LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2

mortal kombat 11 ash
Warner Bros Interactive

Sometimes deleted characters aren't actually deleted. Such is the case with MAXIMUM CARNOM! (A name that really needs to be typed in all-caps to get the full effect).

Those of you lucky enough to have played LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 will remember MAXIMUM CARNOM as a boss fight in the game's campaign, but at one point the symbiotic supervillain was slated to also make an appearance as a playable character.

Those with far greater technical skills than this writer discovered that if you rummage around the game's files the data for MAXIMUM CARNOM's playable form is still there, waiting to be unlocked. And indeed, with a little tinkering, you may place the red and black behemoth under your direct control.

It's not an experience we'd recommend, however, as MAXIMUM CARNOM is slow. Un...be...lie...va...bly...????. 10 seconds spent in its company is 9 more than you need to see why the developers cut their losses and buried him in the source code, never to be found.

Hmm, a superpowered symbiote hybrid, buried away, only to be accidentally unleashed by inquisitive explorers? Sounds like a Spider-Man plot to us! (Hey, it couldn't be any worse than the crap being churned out in Amazing Spider-Man these days...)


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.