10 Video Game Characters Who Broke Into Song

6. Yuna And Lenne (Final Fantasy X-2)

The Final Fantasy series has had its fair share of great games (as well as its fair share of mediocre games) with too many characters to count, though none get up on stage and perform quite like Yuna and Lenne in FF-X2.

This emotional and gut-wrenching cutscene would be nowhere near as effective nor as touching without the musical backdrop, as Yuna summons Lenne’s spirit to broadcast her final moments to the audience.

The women’s voices fit together perfectly and compliment one another, making this song one of the few in video game history that could genuinely win a talent show or be in the charts, or both!

And I’ll save you the multiple listens as you try to count the number of lyrics to the song – unfortunately this song optimistically entitled ‘1000 Words’ only contains a grand total of 377 words. Disappointing, yes, but it’s still a phenomenal song.


Hi, I'm Rhys, aspiring author and WhatCulture writer!