10 Video Game Characters Who Completely Dropped The Ball

8. Chell - Portal 2

Fallout: New Vegas Benny Thumb

For the most part, the silent protagonist of Portal does everything right (eventually, anyways). Every strange, confusing puzzle solved, every sassy malevolent AI taken down. In short, she's usually pretty on the ball, even while being insulted about her intelligence by GLaDOS the whole time.

Presumably being placed in stasis knocked a couple screws loose for her, then, because her decision to place Wheatley in control of the Aperture facility goes about exactly as well as you'd expect it to, since the little AI loses his mind with power in about two minutes.

While it's understandable to want an easy way out of the building - which presumably a sane Wheatley finding the elevator would have provided - Chell has had enough experience with the various robots she met in the first Portal to know even the nice ones probably aren't that stable. She also has the portal gun, and a seriously good knowledge of how to use it - so parkouring her way up the building might have been a better idea here.

You do get to hear Stephen Merchant threaten to kill you in increasingly unnerving ways, though, so maybe that was what she was aiming for the whole time.


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