10 Video Game Characters Who First Appeared Sooner Than You Think

4. Banjo The Bear & Conker The Squirrel - Diddy Kong Racing

Diddy Kong Racing Conker Banjo

You'd be forgiven for assuming that beloved platforming icon Banjo the Bear made his video game debut in his 1998 N64 romp Banjo-Kazooie, but as a result of that game's delays, he actually ended up appearing first in Rare's racing game Diddy Kong Racing, released more than six months prior.

Similarly, Conker the Squirrel is best known for his "debut" appearance in the delightfully crude 2001 N64 platformer Conker's Bad Fur Day, yet most fans would actually be doubly wrong about this one.

Conker not only appeared previously in the 1999 Game Boy Colour title Conker's Pocket Tales, but of course, his real debut was also in Diddy Kong Racing, which came out almost two years earlier.

Both Banjo and Conker are playable racers in the game, but unless you've dusted off your copy of Diddy Kong Racing lately, you couldn't be blamed for forgetting about them.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.