10 Video Game Characters Who Got Undeservedly Brutal Deaths
7. Father Gascoigne’s Family - Bloodborne

In the grim and gothic world of Bloodborne, generally speaking, nothing ends well for anyone. The three different ending options for the player character each have their own sort of tragedy about them, and the few NPCs that can be saved either die, find no peace or, in one memorable case, conceal a secret beasthood within themselves and slowly pick off the other survivors.
The first mandatory boss in the game, Father Gascoigne, is a former Hunter who has succumbed to the scourge himself. He transforms shortly before his death, and piecing things together, the player learns that he appears to have killed his beloved wife, Viola, with no control of his actions.
If you explored the first area thoroughly, you will have found a young girl and the Small Music Box item. This, it’s revealed, calmed Gascoigne and could bring him back to himself somewhat, but the unfortunate Viola did not have it with her. The girl is revealed to be Gascoigne’s daughter, who meets her end when she is consumed by the gigantic pig in the sewers while looking for a safe place to hide.
Later in the game, Gascoigne’s elder daughter learns of these family tragedies, and, all depending on the player’s choices, remarks that she has something to remember her sister by, at least: the Red Messenger Ribbon (red because it’s stained with blood) dropped by the pig that ate her. It’s all a horrible and tragic web to untangle.