10 Video Game Characters With Terrible Secrets You Totally Missed

1. Magnolia Is A Synth - Fallout 4

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The plot of Fallout 4 revolves around the Institute and their mysterious, human-like creations, the synths.

Synths are artificial replicas of humans that the Institute replaces people with to spy on the wasteland. For this reason, it's impossible to tell if you're speaking to one unless you kill them and check whichever parts remain for anything mechanical.

This is also why most Fallout players don't know that Magnolia, Goodneighbor's best (and only) jazz singer, is secretly one of the Institute's creations!

Yes, Magnolia, for all her charms and looks, is actually a runaway synth. The only way the player can know this is by catching onto the double meaning of her songs - one about "being a little strange" and "erasing her past...". Or you could kill the poor woman and find out that way.

Either way, you'll learn that Magnolia is not what she claims she is, and if the synth-hating population of Goodneighbor found out, the girl would be in serious trouble.

So maybe don't go dipping your fingers in anyone's brain bits, okay? Some secrets are better kept inside, literally.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.