10 Video Game Characters With Terrible Secrets You Totally Missed

8. Jock Cranley Murdered His Wife - Grand Theft Auto V

GTA 4 GTA IV liberty paper

Jock Cranley is the commentator for the Arena Wars events in Grand Theft Auto Online, and he also makes a minor appearance in GTA V as one of the candidates in the Most Santos election.

Like every other minor GTA NPC, Jock is meant to be a comical stereotype of a celebrity politician, but Rockstar has also tied his deceptively one-dimensional character to one of the greatest mysteries in the gameā€”the ghost of Mount Gordo.

The ghost that sometimes appears atop the mountain to spook unwary players is actually Cranley's wife. References to her full name and marriage with Jock appear in an online newspaper in the game, and although this says her death was an accident, the interview with Jock makes it clear that he murdered his wife by pushing her off a cliff after a heated argument.

Players don't think about it, looking at his grotesquely huge smile on the city's billboards, but Jock is a part of a huge conspiracy involving paranormal activities, vengeful spirits, and an unsolved murder mystery.

It's enough to make you wonder if we're still talking about a Grand Theft Auto game.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.