10 Video Game Characters With Terrible Secrets You Totally Missed

9. West Dickens Was Hanged - Red Dead Redemption

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Rockstar Games

The cast of the Red Dead Redemption games range from serious and tragic to unhinged and comical.

West Dickens, the spineless snake oil salesman from the first game, fits into the latter, and yet, unknown to most players, Dickens hides a rather gruesome and traumatic event in his past that puts him in a different light.

Given he's a man who makes his living conning innocent people, you expect Dickens to have a criminal background, but you wouldn't expect him to be actually sentenced to death for it, let alone suffer the punishment and somehow survive through it!

Well, this is exactly what the game hints at with his character model.

Look closely at West Dickens' neck and you'll spot distinct rope scars, indicating that at some point in his life, the conman was hanged, but he miraculously survived the event and fled the scene before his persecutors could finish what the rope started.

It's a genuinely dark bit of storytelling that makes West Dickens seem more competent than what his clumsy old man act would make you believe.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.