10 Video Game Characters With Terrible Secrets You Totally Missed

7. Doug Rattmann Was Schizophrenic Before GLaDOS' Betrayal - Portal 2

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The decrepit walls of Aperture Science laboratories hide many secrets in Portal 2, and that's mostly because they have someone living in them.

Doug Rattmann, the only other human survivor of GLaDOS's betrayal beside Chel, is a schizophrenic scientist who hides from the rogue AI inside the various unsurveillanced areas of her lab. Most people assume he turned mad after surviving various neurotoxins and watching everyone he knew die, but the truth is something completely different.

The Rattmann was schizophrenic way before these traumatic events.

Every time you visit one of Doug's nests, you can see bottles of pills scattered around. Upon closer inspection you'll discover they are anti-psychotic medicines. Given that Doug wouldn't be able to get his hands on such pills trapped inside GLaDOS's test chambers, it seems logical that he must've already had them on himself when the attack started.

The Portal comics confirm as much, showing Rattmann taking pills before the GLaDOS incident, using them to keep his mental illness at bay while working in the lab.

Poor Doug. Even when everything was fine, he couldn't catch a break.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.