10 Video Game Characters You Didn't Know Appeared In Other Franchises

7. Isaac Clarke - Skate

Everybody's Golf 5 Kratos

Skate 3 is one of the greatest skating video games of all time for many reasons, not least its hilarious physics and diverse soundtrack, but also the fact that you can play as Dead Space's protagonist Isaac Clarke.

Beyond both series being published by EA, it's an incredibly bizarre team-up, and seemingly intentionally so.

By entering the code "deadspacetoo" in Skate 3's cheats section, you'll unlock Isaac as a playable character in Free Play mode, which it at least as hilarious as it sounds.

Isaac is also kitted out with his own bespoke, sci-fi-themed skateboard, and despite how clunky and unwieldy his attire looks, he's actually able to skate around with a surprising litheness.

Better still, if you really want to evoke a more convincing Dead Space vibe, input the codes "mcfly" and "zombie" in order to activate hoverboard mode and turn all pedestrians into zombies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.