10 Video Game Characters You Didn't Know Were Based On Real People

5. Nathan Drake (Uncharted) - Johnny Knoxville

resident evil village
Naughty Dog & Warner Bros.

Though Uncharted's Nathan Drake is most often compared to Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones - and Naughty Dog have indeed confirmed that influence - the character's look and personality were actually primarily inspired by a wholly more unexpected pop-culture figure you'd probably never have guessed.

That's right - Nate was largely based on Jackass star Johnny Knoxville, with the original game's lead designer Richard Lemarchand drawing attention to Knoxville's "coolness and goodness," some of which he hoped to impart into Nate.

Though Nathan Drake's considerably less of a goofball than Knoxville, he nevertheless manages to bring a similar level of charm to the table: endearing himself to the player even while they're putting themselves through hell and doing incredibly dangerous things.

Sometimes the finest influences aren't the most obvious ones, and that's certainly the case with Nathan Drake.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.