10 Video Game Characters You Didn't Know Were Based On Real People

3. Kratos (God Of War) - Edward Norton

resident evil village
New Line Cinema

God of War's Kratos is one of the most distinctive-looking video game protagonists of all time, yet the series' creator David Jaffe found inspiration in the most unlikely of real-life sources.

In a 2010 interview, Jaffe confirmed that Kratos was primarily based off Edward Norton's performance in American History X. He said:

"It took a long time to figure out what Kratos would look like, and ultimately we took inspiration from Edward Norton in American History X, when he played a Nazi. There's this scene in which the cops arrest him and you just see how buffed and built he's gotten. I showed that to the artist and I said, 'Okay, that sense of power and aggression that you just see in his face, can we somehow take that, the essence of what he's exuding, and somehow turn that into a character that fits into this Greek mythology world?”

In a more recent interview with Retro Gamer, Jaffe added that it was his ex-wife who made him pay attention to Norton, after gauging her reaction to his presence in the film. She said:

"I hate to say this because he's a scumbag Nazi, but [Norton's] f**king hot."

And like that, Jaffe set the basic design profile for Kratos, which helped make him one of the most popular video game "heroes" of the last 20 years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.