10 Video Game Characters You Unintentionally DOOMED

6. Conrad Verner - Mass Effect

the witcher 3 hearts of stone

Conrad Verner is Commander Shepard's number one fanboy and the only Mass Effect character who can die in each game in the original trilogy. Each and every time, it happens because your character unwittingly pushes him over the edge.

In Mass Effect 1, Verner asks Commander Shepard if he could join their Spectre squad. If the player refuses while simultaneously telling Verner to buzz off, he will become upset and then try to prove his worth by fighting a group of angry Turians... and dying a horrible death in the process.

It's a pretty extreme reaction for simply getting a bit moody with him, right? Well, in Mass Effect 2, rebuffing Verner has a similar effect, except this time around, Verner tries to prove his heroism by stopping a group of hooligans on a bus, only to fall off the said bus, get hit by a bunch of cars, and then finally fall right into a power turbine of a biomatter recycling plant.

Well, at least he does get to die a hero in the third game by saving Shepard from getting shot, but even that interaction makes it seem like meeting Comander Shepard was the worst decision in Conrad Verner's life.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.