10 Video Game Characters You Unintentionally DOOMED

4. Sims Who Divided By Zero - Sims 3

the witcher 3 hearts of stone
EA Maxis

The Sims series is well-known for its quirks and oddities. Most of them are cartoonish and fun, like the games' obsession with llamas, but sometimes the weirdness takes on a more disturbing form. Disturbing and unpredictable.

There are many ways in which a Sim can die, from things like fire and old age to the classic routine of drowning them in a pool with no ladders. Out of all the games, Sims 3 probably features the largest selection of means of departing from the world of the living, and one of them in particular can completely catch you by surprise.

The expansion pack, University Life, introduced a special interaction in which one Sim can tell another to divide by zero.

It looks like a silly, innocent joke, but in reality, when the other Sim decides to take them up on the challenge, the impossibility of the equation causes them... to explode!

Yes, as soon as the Sim finishes the equation, fire will erupt from their behind, and shortly after, they will be nothing but a smoldering pile of ashes.

What a nerd! Getting so fired up over simple mathematics...


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.