10 Video Game Cheats Found YEARS Later

5. ZX Spectrum Emulator - GoldenEye 007

punch out little mac

Just when you thought that GoldenEye 007 couldn't possibly have anything left to give players, in 2012 - 15 years after its launch - Rare forum user spoondiddly revealed that the game contained a hidden, totally functional emulator for the ZX Spectrum.

Now in fairness, it's actually impossible for players to access said emulator while playing GoldenEye in the conventional, up-and-up way on a physical N64 console, because Rare actually disabled the code to access it.

But by using an N64 emulator and applying a patch while playing the game, it's possible to re-activate the Spectrum emulator, which comes loaded with 10 games developed for the platform by Rare.

As for why Rare included something so unexpected in the game code only to disable it? It was reportedly an experimental side project, and one they evidently decided to mothball for whatever reason.

And yet, if just using a traditional ZX Spectrum emulator seems too damn simple and ordinary, why not jump through some hoops and do it in GoldenEye instead?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.