10 Video Game Cliches That Need To Die

2. Highlighted Climbable Areas

tomb raider swan dive lara croft
Crystal Dynamics

The issue that faces developers when they put climbing mechanics into their games is that, unless they're making Breath of the Wild, not everything can be climbed.

Consequently, they need to find a way to communicate to players what can be traversed and what's just set dressing, and that usually results in every climbable ledge having a visual signifier, whether that's a yellow painted outline in Tomb Raider, or simply highlighting ledges a different shade from the environment they're attached to in Uncharted.

There obviously needs to be some way to identify interactive areas, but it can make the game world feel more artificial than it should. I mean, after all, who was leaving behind hundreds of ropes in Far Cry 4?

God of War recently did a great job of justifying why certain areas were highlighted, so hopefully devs get more inventive in the future.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3