10 Video Game Clones That Kicked Your (Own) Ass

2. Dark Samus - Smash Bros. Ultimate

Metroid dark samus

Smash players are no stranger when it comes to clones or as they're known in the game "echo" fighters. Costume changes for our favourite roster members with just a few tweaks here and there, the echo fighters often create a mixed reaction within the community with some revelling in the ability to take on these variant and learn their minute differences, whereas others complain that the spot could have gone to someone else.

Although when you look at the swollen roster of Smash Ultimate you might even wonder who is left to add in at this point.

Regardless Dark Samus is actually in many ways a direct upgrade on the Vanilla Nintendo hero seeing as the evil version has a quicker roll and less ending animation lag in some moves, and other changes see her specials become slightly less situational. As a result you'll see many players pick the Dark version over the regular one making it a case where your clone is not only better than you, but more popular as well!

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