10 Video Game Cuts Made For RIDICULOUS Reasons

8. 11 Cases Wouldn't Fit On The Game Disc - L.A. Noire

Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy

L.A. Noire is a pretty beefy game as it is, but the original vision was significantly larger still, with Team Bondi co-founder Brendan McNamara confirming shortly after release that almost a dozen cases were cleaved from the final release due to...storage issues:

"We had a Bunko and Burglary desk - bunko is fraud and burglary is just people robbing houses and stuff...We had 11 full cases for that, which we wrote and did the design for to a certain extent - we even did the art for them too, but it just got to a point where we were never going to fit it on one Blu-ray."

It's a bit of a ridiculous claim considering that, while the PS3 version did indeed ship on just a single Blu-ray disc, the Xbox 360 version was already on three DVDs, and numerous spoken references to protagonist Cole Phelps' stint in Burglary nevertheless remain in the game.

It was believed by many fans that the cases would eventually surface by way of DLC, yet sadly this never happened, which given the obvious fan interest seems like a total waste.

Though McNamara makes it clear that the cases weren't fully completed during production, the fact that the scenarios were completed and partially designed means they absolutely could've been released as DLC at some point.

A lack of storage was a fine enough excuse for cut content 20 years ago, but since the PS3 era? Not a chance.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.